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New Search Fully Implemented Now!

I’m pretty sure that most of you already noticed the large Search Bar on the top of all pages. As Martin mentioned in the forum topic at the beginning of this week, he was working on it for a...

Cake Decorating Business #1: Things To Consider Before You Start Your Cake Business Dream

The most common questions here in CakesDecor forums are about Starting a Cake Business and Cake Pricing. There are many books and brochures about this topic over the internet already, but...

Interview #26: Shawna McGreevy

Short Bio I’ve always loved art…ANYTHING involving art. As a kid, I would sketch just about everything I saw, just to see how “real” I could make it look. My bedroom door was covered with...

How can CakeDecorPros Listing help your business?

Hey all. I hope that you are back from your vacations already and you have some time to read my short blog entry. I would like to tell you about the benefits of CakeDecorPros.com Listing and why...

CakeDecorPros News! We're reducing the price by 50%!

On CakeDecorPros.com, we are switching from monthly billing to yearly billing on all Premium Listings. As a bonus we’re also reducing the price by 50%. The old price was $4.99 per month and the...

CakesDecor Awards: Wedding Cakes #5: And the Winners Are ...

Wedding Cakes Awards are behind us and as I mentioned already, we reached a record – 250 amazing entries were submit during the entry period. My favorite cakes made it to the top 10, but there are...

Fun Challenge: Share Your Cake Decorating Journey

Hey all, this week I received an email from a company where they shared their success business story – how they started and where are they now. I thought that it would be great to try something...

CakesDecor Awards: Wedding Cakes #4: Cast Your Votes

Wedding Cakes Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 250 amazing entries. This is the highest number of entries submitted in CakesDecor Awards ever! Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list...

CakesDecor Awards: Wedding Cakes #3: Only 2 Days Left!

Just a friendly reminder that there are only 2 days left to submit your cakes in our Wedding Cakes Awards. If you don’t have a cake to enter with, feel free to see the 206 Amazing Wedding Cakes...

Do you knit or crochet?

Hey all, I just wanted to welcome you on our community websites for Knitters and Crocheters. Feel free to join or help us by spreading the word. Thank you!! Knit.Community and Crochet.Community

New "Introduce Yourself" Forum

An amazing idea came to our minds today and we are happy to implement it right away. We have launched a new Introduce Yourself Forum. I am really not sure why we came with this after such a long...

CakesDecor Awards: Wedding Cakes #2: Call For Entries

Entry period of the CakesDecor Awards – Wedding Cakes is now officially open and will close on July 24. There are 10 Cakes submitted already – click here to see them all. Here’s the theme again:...