Fondant Fruit Tray

We are going to celebrate that spring has comed .. with fruit and flowers¡¡
This is a fondant tray which contain both. .fruit and floweres
All is made with fondant

I hope you like¡¡

Hola chicas¡¡ Vamos a celebrar la primavera con la llegada de las frutas y flores¡¡ y qué mejor que una bandeja que contenga estas dos cosas.
Todo está hecho en fondant y pintado a mano.. Espero os guste¡¡

Sugar Art by Sonia de la Cuadra


Thank you Isabel.. I love to have you here too¡¡

Sugar Art by Sonia de la Cuadra

Elli Warren.. thanki you¡¡ you have a very beautifull work¡¡

Sugar Art by Sonia de la Cuadra