You Hold the Key to My Heart Cupcake Tutorial

I wanted to share a fun Valentine’s Day tutorial with you (my way of saying Happy Valentine’s Day)! I began by baking up a batch of cupcakes and a batch of royal icing, while the cupcakes were doing their own thing, baking, I used the time to sketch some ideas rattling around in my brain. I wanted the cupcakes to be stunning yet simple.

I remembered I purchased a ClearView key and lock mold…

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Bobbie Bakes


Such elegant cakes! Thanks for the tute xx

sugar and art - perfect combination!

How lovely! Perfect for Valentine’s Day! Thank you for sharing the tutorial!

Toni, Pennsylvania,

Thats a lovely tutorial Bobbie! Just a thought! Where can I source moulds like these? I’m from India, and need it to be shipped here.

incrEDIBLE art by Rumana,India,

Rumana, here is a link to the website. They ship internationally…

Bobbie Bakes