Oriental Wedding Royal iced Panel Cake

Oriental Wedding Royal iced  Panel Cake
Oriental Wedding Royal iced  Panel Cake Oriental Wedding Royal iced  Panel Cake

My 3rd year final exam piece. It is a royal iced panel cake with double collar, oriental stringwork, floating centre piece with goodluck symbol.

debra, south yorkshire, http://debscakecreations.co.uk


I love oriental string-work!!
This is incredible!! Great job!! Xx

Laura Loukaides - Instagram.com/LauraLoukaides

Amazing cake! Where or how did you get the Chinese panels and stuff?! I am very new to cake decorating and rather ignorant!

Robyn,Western Australia

Hi everyone and thank you for the great comments. Robyn EVERYTHING is made by myself from royal icing. The panels and collars are all made with a technique called run out. :-), this is where you do an outline of the image you want to produce with royal icing with a number 1 nozzle, then fill it with let down royal icing to form the picture, panel etc x

debra, south yorkshire, http://debscakecreations.co.uk