red roses on a white laced weddingcake

red roses on a white laced weddingcake

this cake had a party!
she went on a boat on the canals of Amsterdam
That must have been great, together with a lovely bride and husband and company.
It was abnormal hot and no cool place on board…..
But the cake stand firm .

JEtaarten-Puur genieten

35 Comments these colors, beautiful cake!!!! 😍

Thank you Ivon x

JEtaarten-Puur genieten

Awesome work!!!

Raquel García Martínez

Tnx Raquel x

JEtaarten-Puur genieten

Wow! Congratulations on being able to build a strong, sturdy cake, as well as simply gorgeous! Lucky couple!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley


Seema's Cake Couture


Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎