5 year old painter!

5 year old painter!

My grandchild Alessandro, a beautiful five year old little boy, painted this cake I made for him. Tomorrow we’ll celebrate Mother’s Day and it will be his gift for his mom ^^
Here you can see him while painting
I just wanted to share my happiness…



That is such a sweet and lovely idea Clara! I love it and he made a lovely painting

greetings Daantje http://www.facebook.com/Daantjestaarten www.daantjestaarten.nl

Full of love. The best on the world are childrens hearts ❤❤❤ perfect idea


So great. Wonderful idea and a great gift for mom


I’m so glad you all appreciate! He loves painting hearts, numbers and letters.
My home’s walls could be entirely covered with his paintings on paper. This is his first time on cake and he can’t wait to eat his work 💖


Fabulous idea!!! Adorable! ! ❤