Correctional Services Officer Retirement Cake

Correctional Services Officer Retirement Cake

This cake was for a retirement party for gentleman who was a correctional services officer. I had lots of great ideas for it but they went out the window in lieu of a simpler cake (for lack of info received from his wife).

I really wasn’t thrilled with the design idea but it was one of those times where I had to remind myself that the cake was not for me and different people like different things. The badge on his shirt is a tiny version of the Nova Scotia Correctional Services one. Without it he looked more like a crook who was escaping from jail! lol

Once it was done I liked it better than I thought I would and his wife and daughter both loved it when I delivered it which is what matters.

Kelly's Kitchen


You “jailed” it Kelly!!! It’s great!♥


What a cute take..great cake…

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Lol. Good one Elena :-) Thank you!

Thank you also June, Elli and Evelindecora!

Kelly's Kitchen

Amazing! Very cute and perfect! 👏🏻❤

Thank you ladies :-)

Kelly's Kitchen