Diosa y Dragón Goddess and dragon Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0

Diosa y Dragón Goddess and dragon Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0
Diosa y Dragón Goddess and dragon Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0 Diosa y Dragón Goddess and dragon Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0 Diosa y Dragón Goddess and dragon Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0 Diosa y Dragón Goddess and dragon Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0

Os presento nuestra pieza para la colaboración Sugar Myths and fantasies 2.0 organizada por Amber adamson
Nhíanna, diosa protectora de la luz y a su inseparable dragón Lucero, protegido con una armadura de oro con poderes especiales creada por los dioses Juntos libran duras batallas contra las fuerzas oscuras que quieren apoderarse de la luz de los espíritus, a sus órdenes Lucero enceguece con los rayos de sus ojos, en su armadura se pueden ver las huellas de las cruentas peleas libradas Al golpear su bastón contra el suelo un destello hace desaparecer a las fuerzas oscuras , los rayos de su báculo traspasa a los seres malignos Nunca se separa de su espada , al igual que la armadura de Lucero, está hecha por los dioses. Puede lanzarla y derrotar a varios seres del inframundo a la vez, y con el poder de su mente vuelve a sus manos Podemos estar tranquilos, la luz de los espíritus están a salvo Esta pieza está realizada con chocolate de modelar, mide unos 70cm de alto, el dragón, al igual que el báculo de la diosa tiene luces en los ojos y además le sale humo por la nariz, totalmente pintado con aerógrafo. A la armadura y espada le he puesto pan de oro y luego envejecido con colorantes La diosa mide unos 23cm de alto, su cabeza es de tan sólo 3cm
I present our piece for the collaboration Sugar Myths and fantasies 2.0 organized by Amber adamson
 Nehnahna, goddess protecting the light and her inseparable dragon Lucero, protected with gold armor with special powers created by the gods Together they fight hard against the dark forces that want to seize the light of the spirits, to his orders Lucero blinks with The rays of his eyes, in his armor you can see the traces of the bloody fights fought As he strikes his cane against the ground a flash makes the dark forces disappear, the rays of his staff crosses the evil beings He never separates from his Sword, like the armor of Lucero, is made by the gods. You can throw it and defeat several beings from the underworld at a time, and with the power of your mind comes back to your hands We can be calm, the light of the spirits are safe This piece is made with modeling chocolate, measures about 70cm high , The dragon, like the goddess’s staff has lights in the eyes and also smoke from the nose, completely painted with airbrush. To the armor and sword I have put gold bread and then aged with dyes The goddess measures about 23cm high
Espero que os guste!!

Aroma de Azúcar


Wonderful work and soooooop much detail!!! Pinned to the Sugar Myths and Fanstasies board :) https://es.pinterest.com/pin/147000375317747073/

Life is too sweet to be bitter

Fantastic piece…

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎


Kawaii deco cakes whipped with giddy excitement, piped with love. (*´∇`)ノ Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @sugarsnakecake