Sugar Skulls Collaboration 2016 - my contribution

Sugar Skulls Collaboration 2016 - my contribution
Sugar Skulls Collaboration 2016 - my contribution Sugar Skulls Collaboration 2016 - my contribution Sugar Skulls Collaboration 2016 - my contribution

Hello friends,
Again posting here after a long long time. It’s a bit late to post this but, it’s better late than never :)
Here is my contribution for the Sugar Skulls Collaboration this year. I am so proud to be a part of this amazing group of talented cake artists.
For this piece, I chose a pattern design for skull and decided to adorn it with white sugar roses. I hope you like it!
Thank you for looking <3
#evendeathtastessweet #sweettasteofdeath
#thesweetestskulls #deathbysugar #SugarSkullBakers #SugarSkulls #DayOfTheDead #SkullBakers #SkullCake #CakeCollaboration #sugarskullies16 #sugarskullbakers #sugar #skulls #dayofthedeath #diadelosmuertos

Manami Patisserie, Pune - India,


Wonderful piece..

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Such a cool and amazing creation

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

Thank you so much dear Marlene, The Cookie Lab, Goreti, Jacqueline, June, Pepper Posh, Khamphet and Anna :) <3 XXX

Manami Patisserie, Pune - India,