Personalized 3D CAKE PRIVATE CLASS with Nicola

Personalized 3D CAKE PRIVATE CLASS with Nicola
Personalized 3D CAKE PRIVATE CLASS with Nicola Personalized 3D CAKE PRIVATE CLASS with Nicola Personalized 3D CAKE PRIVATE CLASS with Nicola Personalized 3D CAKE PRIVATE CLASS with Nicola

Here there are the photos of the cake that we did during the personalized private class for Nicola from Key for cakes. It has been a four days class in which I have taught all the steps to Nicola to do 3D cakes. She wanted to do something of the style of my " Forest Spirit in autumn " but with his daughter of protagonist. We begin for constructing together the structure, the creams and the masses to be doing stepwise this piece of 125 cm of height with about 30 kg of weight. 100 % cake except the structure, without molds. We ended up by delivering the cake to the agency of advertising where there works one of his daughters where it was devoured completely.

The cake was stuffed of soft ganache of chocolate with milk Callebaut with sponge cake bathed of lemon, very juicy. The ganache of coverage was elaborated by chocolate Valhrona of 60 %. The cake was decorated by modelling chocolate, the white with callebaut and the black by Valhrona, the flowers were of wafer and the waterfalls were of gelatine.

The personalized classes are available for cake craft fans or professionals who, as Nicola, want to be formed in any of my techniques. The design and the programming of the class is completely personalized and adapted to the level of the student. This one has been a four days class. Nicola is a great student and I think that for the result it is evident that she has finished the class with honors. I have happened a few excellent days sharing with her my technniques from the base and the design up to the transport to the event. We hope that you like the result.

If you wish information about my classes send a message to the page or e-mail to"":http://

Daniel Diéguez Cake Artist


The best class I´ve ever had Daniel!!! You tought me so much and I´m looking forward to do my first sculped cake for my own ha ha … Thank´s again for all your patient ;) <3 <3

Keyforcakes (Nicola Keysselitz)

Impresionante!!!!! ………como siempre!!

So many thanks to all!

I’m so proud of the result and of you Nicola! One of the best students I’ve ever had, can’t wait to see all the wonders you will do with 3D cakes! <3

Daniel Diéguez Cake Artist