Austin Show - Hidden Scene Wedding

Austin Show - Hidden Scene Wedding
Austin Show - Hidden Scene Wedding Austin Show - Hidden Scene Wedding Austin Show - Hidden Scene Wedding Austin Show - Hidden Scene Wedding

Last week I entered in the Austin – That Takes the Cake show for the first time ever.

My entry was:
Wedding division
Adult Advanced

The cakes there were amazingly AWESOME!! I won 2nd place for my hidden scene wedding cake and couldn’t be more proud.

Many thought that the front of my cake was wafer paper – but in fact it was all Satin Ice Fondant….no wafer at all ;) The wedding dress was all hand quilled – I actually dropped the dress and had to start from scratch – That was a sad day LOL

Thank you all for taking the time to look at my creation

**There are many more photos on my facebook site

Sugar Blessings

Kristy, Texas -


Wonderful creation…Congrats!!

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Fantastic !!

Dora Theodoridou

So awesome!!! <33333333 and Congratulations!!!

Dubey Cakes

Beautiful and so fun
