Mask of Zorro - Be My Valentine

Mask of Zorro - Be My Valentine
Mask of Zorro - Be My Valentine

My contribution to Be My Valentine: Movie Nights. My Inspiration movie was The Mask of Zorro with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Antonio Banderas. I love the Spanish style and thought it would lend itself well to a romantic themed cake. I imagined something with black and red, lace and roses. I sculpted the characters in a cameo style out of modeling chocolate and I chose a romantic embrace for the pose. I have been playing with ideas for unique tier shapes and heights and this project lent itself well to this tapered column I have been wanting to try. Overall I feel like I was able to capture a romantic moment that evokes the Spanish flair of The Mask of Zorro.

Be My Valentine! movie nights is an international collaboration of 45 talented cake and sugar artists.
We celebrate Valentine’s day through our favorite movies, showing how being in love can bring joy, happiness, or the opposite sorrow, sadness, how love can betray, how love can make you do crazy things you never imagined whether is a good or a bad thing.

Shani -