Semi-Naked Cake Experiment

Semi-Naked Cake Experiment

Ok….the experiment. I was wondering what a semi naked cake would look like with coloured icing on top, instead of a plain top or white icing. And coloured icing, as opposed to white, showing after scraping most of it off the cake. Definitely don’t like it….icing just has to be white. Looks rather queer to me with coloured icing. So white icing it will be.
This is semi-naked cake #2. A Victoria sponge flavoured with orange, lemon & almond. While the cake was still warm from the oven, I brushed with almond/lemon flavoured simple syrup. Torted with orange marmalade bc icing. I’ve been trying flavourings with white cake and different naked cake techniques before I make the final cake for my son’s wedding. Megan, the bride prefers white cake, but not strong flavours, so I’ve been trying to infuse with small amounts of subtle flavours. She’s not a fussy person, thank goodness. I think this ones the winner. Sure there going to like the flavour and taste.
I found a little bit of leftover modeling chocolate I forgot I had, tucked away in the freezer. So I made free hand, a large rose & rosette with leaves for adornment.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎