Soccer - plain and simple

Soccer - plain and simple
Soccer - plain and simple

So here is a cake I am not very happy with at all! Everything that could go wrong – did. Right down to baking the cakes, ganaching, covering, decorating, you name it – it happened. The final straw was the night before where after a week of traumatic events both at work and at home, I hadn’t had a chance to ganache and decorate it as planned, I arrive home after work determined to spend the next 5 hours to get it as close to ready as possible and I find myself locked out of the house! My husband was at work on call and couldn’t leave. I was forced to forget about the cake and spent the evening with mum and dad (which was actually a blessing). 10.00pm at night I meet hubby back home from work but of course our front door lock wouldn’t work and the garage remote refused to open the garage. We call an emergency locksmith who didn’t get there until 11.00pm. Midnight we are finally in. Too tired to do anything so I figure I’ll try and finish it the next day it is due. Well, no luck there either. With only 2 hours up my sleeve I ganached, covered and decorated as best I could do from the original concept for a Liverpool soccer cake. It is not my best work and I don’t like looking at it, but I am proud I got it to a semi-presentable state . Luckily it is for my best friend who was incredibly understanding and supportive.

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes


It’s fab! What a day for you, phew! Glad you got it made in time and managed to spend some precious time with your daddy :) x

Love Life Eat Cake @

Shame poor you!!! What a day!!! Hats off for getting this out despite it all. It’s lovely. Be proud superwoman!!!

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Oh my goodness, what a terrible day you had!! You should be happy with this lovely cake. I think it turned out fantastic!!

Toni, Pennsylvania,

What a challenging day you had! As far as the cake, I think it looks awesome.

OMG Anna…what a crazy situation…poor thing!!! But did a tremendous job….I think it looks great!!

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

What an ordeal! But this is beautiful! So cleanly made, crisp details, great finish… I’m so impressed you pulled this out after that kind of situation! Xx

Oh Anna what a run of events! Hope you had a stiff drink after enduring all that! Cake is fantastic and perfect well done

Kath's Cakes

still find it gorgeous! love the design!

Think cake, think pink!