Halloween Pumpkins in the Park

Halloween Pumpkins in the Park
Halloween Pumpkins in the Park Halloween Pumpkins in the Park Halloween Pumpkins in the Park Halloween Pumpkins in the Park

Liam’s mum asked for a pumpkin cake with a slide and Liam sitting on top. Well, as Liam is ‘my little pumpkin’ it was a no-brainer what form he would take on the slide haha!

This was such fun to make for my grandson’s 5th birthday. Really quick and easy to do. Chocolate fudge cake and chocolate truffles inside the decorations (except the fingers). The backdrop is a board I made a couple of years ago for another halloween cake. A couple of pics ‘in the making’.

Liam is autistic and this is the first birthday he got involved with his birthday and understood what was going on. Happy day for us all ….

Happy Halloween to you all :) Fiona xx

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi


hooray! :) haha! thank you so much xx

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

thank you so much Julez :)

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

Super creepy Fiona, and I LOVE creepy!!

Selma S. ~ Little Apple Cakes

creepy, scary, boooo ;o) Wonderful sugar artwork

JT Cakes https://www.facebook.com/JTcakesmalta

Thank you so much Jon and Selma!! result then :) yay! :)

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

That is awesome,

Lyn (Nanna Lyn Cakes) xx