Indian Cake

Indian Cake
Indian Cake Indian Cake

This cake was for an amazing photographer birthday. He´s called Jose Miguel Revuelta. His friend asked me a cake for him. She told me he liked photos and red and black colours, so I was thinking about cameras. I didn´t know him, so I asked her his web. And when I saw his photos I was so surprised… I changed completely my mind and told her I was going to paint one of his photos and add oranges and blues. I wanted to paint a Shadu and those beautiful clothes and lovely a little bit washed-out colours.
When he saw the cake said: Oh my god! My photo on 3D!! He didn´t realize it was a cake ha ha ha, his sons wanted to freeze it and keep it ha ha
It´s all free hand painted with edible painting.
I´m leaving here his gallery web, because he has great talent:!/gallery



Thank you Bethan!!!!!! <3 <3
Martina thank you!! xxx
Muchas gracias Teté!! Me alegro de que te guste!! :D xxx
Thank you The Enchanting Merchant Company!!! xxx


OMG, what a fantastic cake, awesome painting skills :)

Cake A Chance On Belinda

Just fabulous..fabulous…fabulous,….Arantxa

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Thank you Belinda!!! I´m very glad you like it!!! xxx


Beautiful. Very unique.

Philip, Kickshaw Cakes