My Sister's Favourite Things...

My Sister's Favourite Things...

Happy 19th Birthday to my little sister Allie!! Xx
I made a cake featuring a few of her favourite foods; Jam Doughnut, Chicken & Cheesecake – Everything is made from cake. I really enjoyed making this one!!

I hope you all like it!! Xx

Laura Loukaides -


Awww…yum yum…makes me hungry. I can gain weight just looking at your cakes haha =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ -

Absolutely beautiful and so well done!

Maggie Gagiano

looks very appetizingly :)

Thank you so much, she really loves it!! Xx

Laura Loukaides -

Every time I see one of your amazing creations I am always floored!! Brilliant xo

Enchanting Merchant Co

Wow, looks awesome. Especially like the doughnut

Thank you so much!! Xx

Laura Loukaides -