Simple Cake with Teal, Yellow and Orange Bands

Simple Cake with Teal,  Yellow and Orange Bands

The request was for a simple cake with bands that matched the wedding colours and two fresh flowers. I convinced them go with sugar flowers.

Lori-Ann,The Cake Studio Cayman,


Thank you Toni!! I was very happy with how the colours worked together as I cannot remember trying this combination before!!x

Lori-Ann,The Cake Studio Cayman,

I love how some ppl can make the simplest design so incredibly striking… The orange really pops! Great job! New fave :)

Love the colours and simple clean lines! Straight to faves =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ -

Thank you very much everyone you all are super!!!x

Lori-Ann,The Cake Studio Cayman,