Felicita (cake free style) is followed by 26 other members

For Heaven's Cakes by Julie

47 posts and 33 followers


4,719 posts and 152 followers

Edelcita Griffin (The Pretty Nifty)

514 posts and 107 followers


32,655 posts and 520 followers

Hemu basu

256 posts and 101 followers

G Sugar Art

245 posts and 33 followers

EliDoces - Elisabete Janeiro

63 posts and 29 followers

Yummy In Tummies.

442 posts and 94 followers

Todor Todorov

975 posts and 57 followers


1,100 posts and 63 followers


6,631 posts and 192 followers

Florence Devouge

993 posts and 207 followers


7,819 posts and 282 followers

Valentina's Sugarland

1,872 posts and 579 followers

Katia Malizia

480 posts and 296 followers


16,630 posts and 741 followers


104 posts and 13 followers


192 posts and 16 followers

Elli Warren

78,909 posts and 1,426 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,859 posts and 820 followers

Michael Almeida

209 posts and 302 followers

Daisy Brydon Creations

124 posts and 11 followers


2 posts and 0 followers

SweetKOKEKO by Arantxa

7,503 posts and 508 followers

Sugar&Spice by NA

3,029 posts and 176 followers