CakeHeaven by Marlene is following 1102 other members

Cakes by Evička

3,800 posts and 162 followers

Bety'Sugarland by Elisabete Caseiro

7,154 posts and 509 followers

Bakeaboo Cakes (Elina)

22 posts and 48 followers

Amanda Earl Cake Design

519 posts and 147 followers

Joanna Pyda Cake Studio

66 posts and 74 followers

Anna Mathew Vadayatt

441 posts and 191 followers


4,234 posts and 210 followers


87 posts and 10 followers


3,899 posts and 373 followers

Lucie Milbachová (Czech rep.)

245 posts and 32 followers

Erandeny Cuevas

112 posts and 119 followers

Sugar Duckie (Maria McDonald)

4,812 posts and 237 followers

Emma Stewart

54 posts and 78 followers

Creme & Fondant

1,515 posts and 184 followers

Crin sugarart

252 posts and 112 followers

Tabi Lavigne

100 posts and 29 followers


18 posts and 7 followers

For Goodness Cake by Inkeri

51 posts and 49 followers

Tera cakes

70 posts and 26 followers

Rocío Cuenca

8 posts and 7 followers

Xuân-Minh, Minh Cakes

113 posts and 44 followers

Antonia Lazarova

8,831 posts and 274 followers


1,041 posts and 129 followers

Jackie Florendo

58 posts and 99 followers

Galina Maslikhina

129 posts and 147 followers

daruj tortu

541 posts and 142 followers

Milena Shalabi

1,973 posts and 120 followers


91 posts and 21 followers

vida cakes

665 posts and 57 followers


37 posts and 8 followers