AçúcarArte Cake Design is followed by 23 other members

Magda Martins - Doce Art

756 posts and 20 followers

Pepper Posh - Carla Rodrigues

11,958 posts and 449 followers

Weys Cakes

160 posts and 14 followers


3,899 posts and 372 followers

Znique Creations

15,893 posts and 401 followers


699 posts and 57 followers

Michael Almeida

209 posts and 301 followers

Michelle Chan

387 posts and 85 followers

barroco cakes

110 posts and 92 followers

Bronecia (custom cakes)

239 posts and 13 followers


116 posts and 138 followers


0 posts and 3 followers


18,952 posts and 463 followers

Nicole Veloso

268 posts and 70 followers

Elsa Costa

35 posts and 15 followers


352 posts and 10 followers


2 posts and 0 followers

P Cakes

15 posts and 1 follower

Maya Delices

449 posts and 116 followers

Elli Warren

78,909 posts and 1,425 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,860 posts and 820 followers

Fifi's Cakes

18,044 posts and 512 followers