What is the best way to easily identify the tip numbers? I have a hard time finding the numbers!

Any help you could give would be great!

4 Replies

You’re talking about tips for icing bags? Quality brand tips like Wilton will have a number stamped on the side…

Julez, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Allways-Cakes/450634018350115?ref=hl

It is not always easy to read the numbers. Can I put some kind of label?

A label may not stay. Years ago, I was given a Wilton organizer box (I have 2 of them now). I would keep my tips in numerical order in the top of the boxes. Now, I’ve been caking for so long, they are all in a basket the size of a shoebox. I don’t really pay attention to the numbers on them any more; but this is an option for you.


Identifying tips easily can streamline your experience in various situations. One effective method is to look for visual cues or signage indicating where tips are expected or appreciated, such as tip jars or designated gratuity areas. Additionally, observing social norms and customs can provide valuable guidance on when and how much to tip in different contexts, whether it's dining out, receiving services, or using transportation. Keeping small bills or coins here  https://dddcodigo.com.br  readily accessible can make tipping more convenient. Lastly, leveraging technology such as tip calculators or digital payment options can help ensure accuracy and efficiency when tipping in today's digital age. By staying aware and informed, you can navigate tipping etiquette with confidence and ease.