Cake Disasters

creams and spongs problems

My cakes into the cake it is not so fluffy . Something doing rong..
After bake I wrap them and I put them into refrigerator to be cut easily.
I pur also with sugar syrup but again it is little bit hard and absolutely not fluffy.
The other is with the ganache .
If it is on room temprature the creams it all good and soft but the sugar paste sweats and start moisture on the surface.
If I put the cake on the refrigerator the sugar paste it is ok but the creams and ganache it is hard.

eve and butter

14 Replies

Hello Eve, Do you mix your sugar and butter together for a long time. For me this is why my cakes are light and fluffy. I cream my sugar and butter for at least 10 minutes with my kitchen aid before i add the other ingredients x

ellie's elegant cakery

When I was start to add the eggs it was fluffy and white..I dont know maybe is that I will try it in my next cake.. I am in start and I don’t won’t to make lot mistakes I am afraid for loose my few customers

eve and butter

Thank you so much!

eve and butter

And the fillings why they are hard to? And the sugarpaste why is moisture when it past half our in the room temperature? Oh I think I have a lot of problems

eve and butter

Are you letting your cake sit out over night after putting the ganache on before you cover the cake? Or are you covering it the same day?

Amanda Bowman

Also definitely cream your sugar and butter together like Ellie suggested also what kind of flour are you using? A and if it’s a sponge cake I don’t use butter in mine..i beat my egg yolks and sugar together until very pale and whisk my whites separately and fold that all into my dry but every recipe is different 😁 I also use a combination of all purpose flour and corn starch but you could use cake flour too

Amanda Bowman

It is self raising .. and the cakes when they are ready I wait until littlebit cold,then I wrapped them and the same rime I pute the on them on the fridge. I wll try again some other recipes maybe I get finaly the fluffy result

eve and butter

Here is what i do. I cream my sugar and butter/marge for a good 10 minutes, then i add all the other ingredients at once and mix for about 3 or 4 minutes. Then i cook on 150 for about an hour. I let it cool at room temperature (i never put my sponge in the fridge) when it is completely cool i fill it with soft ganche and cover it in ganache, then i put it in the fridge until completely hard. Just before i am ready to cover in fondant it i take it out of the fridge and leave it for about half and hour to an hour so that it has started to sweat because this will make the fondant stick. The gancahe has to be hard so that you can smooth your fondant and get neat edges. I never put the cake back in the fridge just leave it at room temperature but in cool room. The ganache is hard when it comes out of the fridge but once it gets back to normal room temperature it will be soft again. I dont know if you have heard of him but Paul Bradford does some amazing free tutorials He talkes you through everything and tells you ratios for ganache.
Keep at it, when i started out i used to get into a right palava, but as they say practise makes perfect :) x

ellie's elegant cakery

Ok now I really find my mistakes# oh thank you so si much for your useful details! Yes I am a member on paul Bradford but some times I don’t understand some words because the enflish it is not my language and he speaks little fast for me.. thank you so sooo much!

eve and butter