Cake Decorating

how do i price fondanted cakes?

i made my necies cake all fondanted and i was asked to do one from my sisters friend i said i would but i dont know how to price cakes every cake i ever made was for free and it was for family so im extremely confused and im also terrible at math can someone explain to me how they price and they steps they take id appreciate it

Annabel Valenca

3 Replies

I would also like to know how to price cakes, cupcakes and cookies. Is there anyone who can help us???

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Pricing is a very regional thing and everyone has a different formula.

That being said for my cake and cupcakes to calculate my price I add up all the ingredients and multiply that by 10%. To that price I add in the cost of all the other items needed for the cake (ie boards, fondant, boxes). Then I add my per hour price. I estimate how long I feel it would take be from baking to completely decorated cake. In the beginning I was way off but now I have a good sense on how long a cake would will take me.

As for decorated cookies I start at 3.00 per cookie and then depending on the size and design I gage from there if I need to charge more.

I hope this helps you guys


Thanks Jennifer for the useful information!!!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven