
OMGosh that is adorable!

Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca

Thank you Goreti and Teri!! I love the Happi Tree design!

I just love it !!!

Dina @ miettes, http://www.facebook.com/pages/miettes/257790597632317

very cute!

Aggie Patisserie, http://www.facebook.com/aggiepatisserie

Thank you Dina and Aggie! I appreciate your kind comments!

Cute owl


Ellie, this is such an adorable cake! You matched the decor perfectly. I love the little owls and your eye for detail! The matching cupcakes are so cute too!!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Thanks ksara and Thank You Toni!! You are too kind! And Toni thank you for all your nice comments on my FB page!

Very cute!!

HE is my rock and my strong tower

Thank you Jan! And from one Ellie to another…Thank you elli so much!!

very sweet, love the colors.

@Anita's Cakes

Thank you Anita! I really like the colors too!

so sweet!!! :)

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Thank you Callicious!!

Congratulations Ellie on your beautiful cake making #1 on the daily top 15!!!!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Thank you Toni!!! This is my first time making #1 and I have to say it feels pretty good!

Thank you to everyone that looked at my cake and “favorite” it!!! I’m a grandmother just making cakes for my family and this really means a lot to me. Thank you again fellow cakers for your support!


Have a look at my page: https://www.facebook.com/ProfumoDiZucchero?ref=hl :)

Ellie, this is such an ADORABLE & SWEET cake!!!! Beautifully done!!! Congratulations on 1º of the Top15!!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

Thank you so much Ana!!! Haven’t seen you on here for a week! Hope you were on a well deserved vacation and had a wonderful time!

Hi Ellie, this cake is amazing. I love the owls, soooo cute, and the cupcakes look fantastic.
The flavours sound yummy too. Well done xx


Thank you Karen!

Ellie, this is just SO stinkin CUTE! One detail that I’m super curious about… Which letter cutters do you have? i love them!

Thank you Fidanzos! The letter mold is by Martha Stewart. I bought mine at Michael’s Crafts in the papercrafting section.

Thank you so much! I ran right out and bought it, with my special birthday coupon! Woot Woot! With any luck, they’ll look half as good as yours. :O)

Fidanzos our birthdays must be close together because I just got a birthday email from Michaels today too!!! LOL!!! The mold is really easy to use and it has definitely become my favorite letter mold. I think I have used it on every cake I’ve made since I got it!!

Yay! Happy Birthday, Ellie! Bring one of their regular coupons as well… because they are differently coded, the cashier can use both in the same transaction! I really loved the cashier pointing that out to me today, as I had a full basket! Hugs! ~Holly

Happy Birthday to you too Holly!!!! And thanks for letting me know about being able to use both coupons!! Good to know!!

So cute, i love it!!!!!

Cake on Me, Athens Greece, https://www.facebook.com/VeraCakeOnMe?ref=hl

This is so cute – I love the design and colours. Gorgeous!! :-)

Julia Hardy

Thank you so much Julia!