GORGEOUS Daantje!!! Love it!|| xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

Thank you so much Ana xxx

greetings Daantje http://www.facebook.com/Daantjestaarten www.daantjestaarten.nl

This is just gorgeous, love the cricket!

Sarah, New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheCakeTin

Thank you Sarah and Michal!!

greetings Daantje http://www.facebook.com/Daantjestaarten www.daantjestaarten.nl

I Love it! It brought a smile to my face!

So pretty! I love the bright happy colors. Your flowers and figures are amazing!! Definitely makes me yearn for some warm spring weather. We got 6 inches of snow today!!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Daantje, what a colorful & beautiful cake !!

Dina @ miettes, http://www.facebook.com/pages/miettes/257790597632317

Beautiful! Takes me right back to my childhood, used to love watching that cartoon:-)


Thank you so much for The nice comments :-)
Ooh Toni that’s not so nice Snow!! Here no Snow anymore but very cold,need really some sun now!!

greetings Daantje http://www.facebook.com/Daantjestaarten www.daantjestaarten.nl

Such fun!!! :)

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

This cake is so pretty and colourful I love it

Rachael, UK, http://www.facebook.com/sweetrubyjscupcakes

here is Maya again and she is so cute Daan and the colors—-SPRING——, I love It
sweet regards Carla

such a cute cake…love the colours xx


Thank you so much xx

greetings Daantje http://www.facebook.com/Daantjestaarten www.daantjestaarten.nl

So cute and funny! :*