Reading glasses with gelatin lenses tutorial

Thank you so much for taking time to follow my tutorial. I decided to make this tutorial because I have heard a lot of people complaining how hard gelatin is to work with. Hopefully I will be able...


Italian Cream Cake This is the best recipe for this cake I have ever tried. We eat it without icing all the time. It is just that good. Made some cupcakes just today. Mmmmm :) ...

How to make wired and veined wafer paper leaves

Hi lovelies!!!! Here’s the video tutorial on how I made the wired and veined wafer paper leaves shown on the above photo. Enjoy!!! xo-Rose

Cake-sprite tutorials #1: Minion mini cakes

Minion mini cakes. Ideal for children’s parties, adult birthdays or as a ‘Thank you’ gift. Since this is the first tutorial on here I’d appreciate any feedback anyone has. (This tutorial...

3d plane cake sat on wheels off board

To make the frame for the cake to hold the plane up on its three wheels- Firstly I googled the name of the plane I wished to make getting a scaled template with views from above side and front....

Romantic Long Stem Sugar Rose Video-Tutorial

Everyone loves to receive that inciting long rectangle box with aromatic rose laying on a pillow of tissue paper. However within a few days your delicate rose begins to wither away; you have...

Sofa Cake Tutorial

Hi I made this tutorial when I made my first sofa cake and used it myself and it was quite useful so thought I’d share! Here’s a link to the second cake I made

3D CAKE #1: Dusty from PLANES (pixars)

TUTORIAL 3D DUSTY hello, sorry that is not the tutorial in English, when I have time I will translate, but I think the photos are pretty well understood. thanks ¿Que necesitamos? dos...