re: A new look to the cake page?

The Garden Baker, yes you can check all the top 15 cakes if you enter the cakes ang go to the tab top 15, but not on the home page where they used to be. You can’t see the favorite cakes in a moment nor know when the cake was there.
As for the Daily top 3 being evaluated daily, I understand your question. When I first came to this group, some years ago, I didn’t understand the concept right away, but than I got it. This sistem gives the same chances to every single cake of reaching the Top 3 as the votes are counting during 24 hours for every cake. Imagine that the votes are counted at the end of each day, than a cake that was posted first thing in the morning will probably have much more comments and faves than a cake posted 20 minutes before the counting. i don’t think that is much fair, especially considering that we all are from differet parts of the world and and times are different from one another.

Elisabete Caseiro, Portugal,