re: Grocery store wedding cake....

Thank you everyone for all the nice comments. My daughter and I are tossing around the idea of offering Budget Friendly wedding cakes in our bakery now. I just found out a couple days ago that the cake from the grocery store (oh heck, it was Walmart) actually cost $140.00. What I saw on the box was the balance due upon pickup. The cake was a 12", 10", 6" to serve 94. So that works out to 1.50 a serving. I have 3 cake decorators on staff and any one of us can decorate a simple wedding cake in 1 to 1.5 hours. We are thinking of charging 1.90 a serving with 5 simple design options. No delivery will be available for the Budget Friendly cakes. (Walmart doesn’t deliver….) Can I have everyone’s thoughts and opinions on this, please. We start at 4.00 a serving for what I’ll call a Full Service Cake which includes delivery in our local area…. (Fondant is always extra)
