Carved Cakes #1: Mickey Mouse Cake

Don’t have a Mickey Mouse Pan? The Image above display just how u can create a mickey mouse cake from a love pan.
Step 1: print out a copy of Mickey’s head and cut it out
Step 2: laminate it, just so the cake’s oily patch don’t stain the printed copy
Step 3: prepare your choices cake e.g sponge cake, marble cake, chocolate cake etc in a 14"lovee cake pan
Step 4: when cake is done, turn on a wire rack and leave to cool off
Step 5: place the laminated printed copy on the cake and cut out the shape of the head.
Step 6: prepare your butter icing and spread on the cake to seal the crumbs. Then use a black colored butter icing to draw the outline.
Step 7: put ivory colored butter icing (add a little ivory food colouring to the butter icing) in piping bag with small std nozzle. Then pipe the face of the cake. Use black coloured butter icing for the ears and nose. A little white fondant for the eyes and red fondant for the tongue.
Step 8: with a comb spreader, spread the plain butter icing for the sides and use a straight pallet knife to spread on the board.
:) there you have it. Your Mickey Mouse Cake, Enjoy !

...beautiful at sight, sweet to taste

1 Comment

Brilliant! Thanks for sharing xx

sugar and art - perfect combination!