Hand Painted Cake

Hi, I’m new in the world of decoration, and I’m looking forward to trying a cake hand painted, the issue is that I want to do it with petal dust with it should be diluted or mixed to look good on the fondant?



I had paint cakes a lot … Yes I often use vodka mixed with petal dusts to paint onto fondant. Please feel free to pm me if you need more info xx

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Def use vodka, never water, as the vodka will evaporate and leave the dust in place.

gateaux de mandy

I use a small amount of cocoa butter on a plate over a bowl of boiling water. You can then add a small amount of petal dust and mix it into the melted cocoa butter. I like painting this way as it is like using oil paints and gives you longer to work without evaporation.

I also use cacao butter …. It’s my most favourite medium… But… On fondant I find it bleeds and leaves a “halo” of grease, so tend not to use on it .

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Oh! Great I will try to do so, because where I live there are more amount of powder that dyes petal paste. Thank you all ladies!


Veronica… Just as well… Never use paste xxx

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits