Dear Jchuck, thank you very much! I’m planning to do classes and tutorials. I have one already called Waferogami. x

Dear Cakebaker, thank you very much, you are so sweet! If you believet or not but I’m working on that too….;-) x

Thank you so much Violet, I love your work! xx

Dear Calli, thank you so much! Your feedback means a lot to me, I adore you and your work! xx <3

Thank you Elaine! xx

Thank you Anna, I love your work too! xx ;-)

Dear Rinku, thank you very much! I love your flowers and modeling skills! xx

Thank you Custom Cakery! xx




Blossom Dream Cakes at www.facebook.com/blossomdreamcakes

Thank you Luna x

Thank you Angela x ;-)

Thank you Becky xx ;-)


kleiza rojas fitzgerald

Beautiful and very delicate

Wow, how clever!

Sarah x

Thank you Kleiza! xx

Thank you Pinkvelvet xx ;-)

Thank you so much Sarah! xx ;-)

so gorgeous and so soft and delicate xx

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

Thank you Fiona xx <3

Wonderful work Sylvia!

Selma S. ~ Little Apple Cakes

Thank you Selma xx ;-)

Wow this is gorgeous. The colours compliment each other so well!
