I have been interested in cake decorating since I was a teenager, but I didn't get the opportunity to do some decorating until I got married in the 70's. I took my 1st lessons from a Cake Decorator who advertised in my neighborhood paper. After that basic course I started decorating cakes for friends and family. I taught myself to make butter cream Roses and flowers in royal icing. I took a one day Wilton fondant class at Michael's. After 23 years of decorating cakes, I gave my daughter a registration to a Wilton cake decorating course as a birthday present and I took the course with her. We continued on and took course 2 and 3.
I've sold a lot of my cakes, but it is not a business for me, just a hobby. After many years of decorating cakes, I developed Tennis Elbow on both elbows and my doctor told me to stop decorating. I told him I couldn't stop doing what I enjoy doing so much. So then he told me to slow down. So I did for a while. After about six months I started to decorate again.Most of the cakes I make are for family and close friends and free, and every once in a while I'll charge for a cake that was ordered.
Julia Ramirez
Hola Julia, soy Georgi de Con un toque de azúcar, gracias por tus comentarios, no se muy bien como va esta página, veo botones por todos lados pero ninguno para contestar directamente a los mensajes, jajja, son un cero con el ordenador!!! Yo vivo desde hace 14 años en Asturias, España, pero son argentina, que linda la historia que contás de como empezaste a decorar, y me alegro que lo sigas haciendo, aunque siempre siguiendo los consejos del médico! Muchos besos y seguimos super conectadas!!!
Con un toque de azúcar - Georgi
Hi julia! Lovely works!
il mondo di ielle
Hi il mondo di ielle, thank you for your comment!
Hi Julia,
Your cakes are so beautiful 😍
I really like it💕
You have a new follow from me😍
Thank you for the follow! I am also following you. Your cakes are beautiful as well!
Thank you for your comment🙏💗
Thanks for following me nice to meet you 😁
Thank you for follow, your work are so beautiful, I´m folowing you back :)
Anka - Tortolandia.sk
Lovely cakes
Milena, thank you ! Your cakes are beautiful! You have a new follower!