Tasnuta Cake Artistry ( TASNUTA ALAM) is followed by 148 other members


90 posts and 21 followers

augusto paramo

3 posts and 0 followers

Bethann Dubey

21,624 posts and 487 followers

il mondo di ielle

4,050 posts and 949 followers


39 posts and 7 followers


10,244 posts and 160 followers


35 posts and 22 followers

Torty Zeiko

1,989 posts and 159 followers

Korontini Evangelia

296 posts and 38 followers


0 posts and 0 followers

Brenda Salcedo Cake Artist

76 posts and 46 followers

Jassmin cake in Egypt

54 posts and 10 followers

Liva Rahman

44 posts and 9 followers

Tamanna Chatterjee

14 posts and 5 followers

Silvia Ricciato

66 posts and 30 followers

Vanessa Fontana

93 posts and 18 followers


983 posts and 94 followers

🍩Cristina Calcagno🍰

1,380 posts and 103 followers

AppoBli Belinda Lucidi

331 posts and 178 followers

Alyona Kryachko

359 posts and 33 followers

secretos verde violeta

1,683 posts and 195 followers

Cup N Cakes a la C'ART by Karen

230 posts and 21 followers

Hend kahla

171 posts and 32 followers

Mustafa Kansu

122 posts and 65 followers

Planet Cakes

784 posts and 160 followers

Ebru eskalan

188 posts and 48 followers

Inoka (Sugar Rose Cakes)

391 posts and 27 followers

Chanda Rozario

464 posts and 81 followers


9 posts and 10 followers