Steampunk Ruffles - Cake and Bake show entry

Steampunk Ruffles - Cake and Bake show entry
Steampunk Ruffles - Cake and Bake show entry Steampunk Ruffles - Cake and Bake show entry Steampunk Ruffles - Cake and Bake show entry Steampunk Ruffles - Cake and Bake show entry

My Entry into this week’s Cake and Bake show at Earl’s Court London
The entire thing is edible :)
Was a bit bored of ruffles by the end of it!
The butterfly on the hat broke, I made another, which then suffered from the pot holes of the London roads and broke too!!
I had to walk around the arena dragging along a poor steward who I asked to help me carry it (V. heavy!)
I did however earn myself a merit which I am pleased with as I ran out of time to do some finishing touches I wanted to do and the curse of the butterfly!

Heather Jane, UK, ,