I made this cake to celebrate the 9th birthday of a young lady, one year has passed and I should star to think to a new one before she becomes a teenager and the bag and shoes theme has to be faced ;-)
Kate Plumcake, Lake Como, Italy - http://kateplumcake.blogspot.it/
Julie, York, UK, http://www.facebook/IBakedSomeCakes.com
: ) thank you!
Kate Plumcake, Lake Como, Italy - http://kateplumcake.blogspot.it/
so cute
Thank you Goreti : )
Kate Plumcake, Lake Como, Italy - http://kateplumcake.blogspot.it/
Xclusive, HTTP://facebook.com/xclusivecakes
Thank you xclusive : )
Kate Plumcake, Lake Como, Italy - http://kateplumcake.blogspot.it/
So cute!!
Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes