Square White Damask Wedding Cake

Square White Damask Wedding Cake
Square White Damask Wedding Cake Square White Damask Wedding Cake Square White Damask Wedding Cake Square White Damask Wedding Cake

A square configuration consisting of 3 monster tiers – 7", 9" & 11" all by 5" tall. The middle tier is stencilled in white RI in a damask pattern. Ceramic topper supplied separately. All tiers are white chocolate mud cake filled with 3 layers of white choc BC before being finished in white choc ganache. I can’t recall how much white chocolate I used but it was kg upon kg’s! Cake was stacked on location as my poor panicked heart wouldn’t have survived the 320km delivery otherwise. Terrible iPhone pics as I forgot to take my camera. Thanks for looking :)

Kate, Australia - visit me at http://www.facebook.com/thegreedybaker