"Bloom" Winx Fairy Cake

"Bloom" Winx Fairy Cake
"Bloom" Winx Fairy Cake "Bloom" Winx Fairy Cake

Made to celebrate Lily’s 8th Birthday – The character Bloom was a challenge but was very pleased when both the birthday girl & her sister thought it was a doll & not made from sugar! Best compliment EVER as you know how honest kids can be! Thank you for stopping by, I hope you like her too x

ClairellaCakes Essex UK


:-) thanks – I am a bit obsessed with bows! x

ClairellaCakes Essex UK

Beautiful cake! My daughter would love it!

Nadine A.

Wow! It’s beautiful! I have to do a Loom next week! Love this one!

Radhika, Singapore, http://sinsationscakes.wordpress.com/