Coco The Pug Puppy!

Coco The Pug Puppy!
Coco The Pug Puppy! Coco The Pug Puppy! Coco The Pug Puppy!

Meet Coco the naughty little pug puppy who poops chocolate ganache cupcakes sprinkled with chocolate popping candy! This cake was made to celebrate 11 year old Holly’s birthday. The gift box is 5 layers of moist chocolate sponge cake filled with chocolate ganache buttercream. The top of the pup is RKT & a polystyrene ball was used for the head so that it would not be too heavy & then covered in fondant to give the pug dog its features. This cake is for a sleepover party & the “doggy do do” cupcakes set the girls off giggling – you can imagine! They loved them – why kids love this kind of thing I have no idea but, they are a little bit funny!

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