Little Mermaid Cupcakes

Little Mermaid Cupcakes
Little Mermaid Cupcakes Little Mermaid Cupcakes Little Mermaid Cupcakes Little Mermaid Cupcakes

“The Little Mermaid” Cupcakes made for an event at Walt Disney Animation Studios. All characters and decor are sculpted from fondant. I had to make multiple Ariels, Sebastians and Flounders.. :) It was SUPER fun and I met wonderful people at Disney. Pictures were taken at the event. Thank you so much for looking, please visit my facebook for more images. Blessings to you ♥

Fernanda Abarca ---


Oh my they must have taken you ages. Love the fact they are all slightly different. Congrats on being chosen to do this for Disney :)

Sarah, New Zealand,!/TheCakeTin

Wow fabulous job love the difference between each, fantastic modelling

Jo, NZ,

Thank you .. you are all so sweet .. thanks so much :)

Fernanda Abarca ---

WHAT? These are insane! I’m beyond impressed!! Wow, absolute perfection. I’ve never seen a more amazing Ariel, EVER. !!! <3