Tiered cake with coordinating cupcakes.
Beautiful! I love the giraffe :).
Nicole --- http://www.facebook.com/thecakeofit
So sweet!!
-- Michal, http://cakesdecor.com | My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michal.bulla
Beautifully done!!!! Lovely!!! xxx
CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl
Il Giardino delle Torte (di Silvia Costanzo), Palermo, Italy, http://www.facebook.com/ilgiardinodelletortedisilvia
So adorable!!
Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes
Aww this is so darn cute! Love the giraffe!
Awwwwww love this, it’s adorable xx
You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits
Sooooo cute!!!!!
Dream Cakes and Creations, Australia
Thanks so much everyone! xx