

Wired gumpaste Hydrangea.
I love Hydrangeas and all the different shades they come in, these were dusted with Mauve Mist and Mid Blue, will be making quite a few of these for an early summer wedding.

Hilary Rose Cupcakes http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/hilaryrosecupcakes


I love these. I have a few in my yard and it is interesting how every single one is a slightly different shade of blue. You really did a great job! It looks awesome

This is very pretty,I love it and you are very talented……………….


Very beautiful!!

Il Giardino delle Torte (di Silvia Costanzo), Palermo, Italy, http://www.facebook.com/ilgiardinodelletortedisilvia

These are absolutely STUNNING!! Did you have a cutter when making these? It looks like each flower petal was wired individually! If so, what a lot of work, but the detail of each flower is PERFECT!!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes