M&M Wedding Cake all edible with bridal party professions

M&M Wedding Cake  all edible with bridal party professions
M&M Wedding Cake  all edible with bridal party professions M&M Wedding Cake  all edible with bridal party professions M&M Wedding Cake  all edible with bridal party professions M&M Wedding Cake  all edible with bridal party professions

The Wedding couple have the Initials M&M so Mark & Milly decided to have an M&M wedding, we decided to not only have the bride & groom toppers but each of the bridal party as well with each of their professions all M&M characters are made out of modelling chocolate, everything is edible except bride’s veil & fishing line
1tier down :
Yellow M He works for Lockwood in construction so has a 4×2 plank of wood with Lockwoods logo
Red M she is a nurse
2 tiers down:
Yellow M is a fisherman so has old school rishing pole with fish
Red M is a Qantas airline hostess so is holding a miniature Qantas aeroplane
Bottom tier:
Orange M is a schoolgirl but is into fashion that’s why she has red shoes & matching Chanel Handbag
Brown M is an accountant, so he is hold an old school calculator

Top Tier: Jaffa Mud with Jaffa ganache
Middle Tier: Double chocolate Mud with dark chocolate ganache
Bottom Tier: Butterscotch Baileys Mud with dark chocolate ganache

And the first time I have ever received a text from the wedding reception from the groom telling me that he & his new bride love their cake…was so sweet of them

Jo, NZ, https://www.facebook.com/CiccioCakes


Jo this is so darn fantastic…..I love this. So much time has gone into this cake and those darling M&M’s are fabulous. Well done Jo this cake is amazing. Xx

Sarah, New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheCakeTin

Jo Jo JO!!! This is amazing!! Oh my GOODNESS!!! This cake makes me want to change my name (and hubs) just so we can renew our vows and have this cake!!! Of course you would have to recreate it for me as you are just too awesome!! Ok, getting a little overexcited… But I just adore this!! My husband wants me to say he bedazzled as well :)

Kate, Australia - visit me at http://www.facebook.com/thegreedybaker

Thanks Sarah…Yes so much time I stayed up an entire night making the figurines only to face abusy day at work the next day…thank you so much for being my sounding board, about the figurines, great to have some one to talk to when you’re freaking out…LOL

Jo, NZ, https://www.facebook.com/CiccioCakes

Aww thanks Kate & Hubby, would love to make you a version if you’re over here some time… in Nz we have a special K bar if that helps

Jo, NZ, https://www.facebook.com/CiccioCakes

This is fabulous – straight to favorites :)

Bev, NZ

Jo, I love this! I love it when a couple wants something different for their wedding and your figures are perfect!

Kerry, www.facebook.com/KiwiEat.Cake