101 roses

101 roses
101 roses

You might wonder why I have named this cake 101 roses… I have been know to exaggerate ;) but honestly I think it has taken me well over 100 practice roses (some tears, and some un-lady like words) to make anything that even resembles a realish rose. This cake was made the ladies request 2 yellow/orange roses, white chocolate cake with white chocolate ganache.

Robin https://www.facebook.com/UnusualCakesForYou


Beautiful job on this cake. Love the roses!

Lena Bender

Thanks Lena it was you guys that made me keep trying rather than throwing them at my wall :)

Robin https://www.facebook.com/UnusualCakesForYou

Those roses are absolutely gorgeous. I don’t think any more practice is needed.

Roses are beautiful, go to show you practice makes perfect.

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