3D Owl, design based on Inspired by Michelle design

3D Owl, design based on Inspired by Michelle design
3D Owl, design based on Inspired by Michelle design 3D Owl, design based on Inspired by Michelle design

I freind asked me to make a cake with an owl on it for her grand daughters birthday. I decided I wanted to try a 3D owl and asked her if I could suprise her with the design, she gave me the go ahead.
With just a photo to go on, I carved and decorated using Inspired by Michelles owls which I found on her website.
Not as good as her design but I was pleased with it and the 9 yr old birthday girl didnt want to cut it…she was stoked, and the flavour was good too…a choc fudge cake.

Kellie, Australia, http://www.teddydesigns.com.au, Facebook http://www.facebook.com/cakesbyteddydesigns