Hello. This was my piece for the Vikings – The Cake Collaboration 2018 I’ve organised last November, to celebrate the release of the new season of the TV show Vikings.
My character was Lagertha. I decided to give a go on sculpture and I had so much fun doing it. A lot of things need to be improved, I know, but in the end, I do love the final result since I’ve never done such an elaborated sculpted piece.
You can see all the pieces of the collab on the official Facebook page or on my website.
Hope you like it :)
Anna Sugar Art Boutique, by Ana Ferreira (https://www.annasugarartboutique.com)
Great modeling, Anna!
Sugar Sugar by SSmiley
Gorgeous piece
The Cookie Lab by Marta Torres
thanks ladies :)
Anna Sugar Art Boutique, by Ana Ferreira (https://www.annasugarartboutique.com)