The 1 Collaboration - Autumn Garden

The 1 Collaboration - Autumn Garden
The 1 Collaboration - Autumn Garden The 1 Collaboration - Autumn Garden The 1 Collaboration - Autumn Garden The 1 Collaboration - Autumn Garden

I wanted my cake to show the beautiful and simple plants found in my garden. So here it is – with a little airbrushing, hand painting, modelling and cold porcelain my autumn garden.

Congratulations to my fellow cakers on their fabulous work.

Essentially Cakes - Christine Jones



Dáša Krettová

Beautiful ❤️

Chanda Rozario

Gorgeous! 😃

Olina's taarten

I love this! One of the coolest cake designs ever, so beautiful!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Love it, so artistic cake. I like you have no border behind modeling and painting flowers. Seems me cool. Great work. 👌❤

cakes and sweets by Šárka Finsterlová

Aww, Christine, you nailed it!!!
I’m blown away… 😍😍😍
