Botero challenge - 'El Circo'

Botero challenge  - 'El Circo'
Botero challenge  - 'El Circo'

My contribution to the Botero Challenge by Bakerswood.

Fernando Botero is a Colombian figurative artist and sculptor. His signature style, also known as “Boterismo”, depicts people and figures in large, exaggerated volume, which can represent political criticism or humor, depending on the piece. He is considered the most recognized and quoted living artist from Latin America, and his art can be found in highly visible places around the world
I have used bas relief to create the perspective in this painting. Thanks for looking

LaPetiteMeringue by Radha Dhaka


Awesome! ❤️

Seema's Cake Couture

Wow Radha! You’re one amazing artist 🌸


Amazing !

JEtaarten-Puur genieten

I think it’s wonderful <3

#ardeca #bygulcintekkas

Thank you all so much! 💖💖💖

LaPetiteMeringue by Radha Dhaka

Awesome work my dear friend!!!

Raquel García Martínez