Golf - cream technique

Golf - cream technique
Golf - cream technique Golf - cream technique Golf - cream technique Golf - cream technique

This B-day cake I try to make with cream. Cream technique I have never tried so this creative proces was little bit harder for me. It took me a quite long time but at the end I fall in love with this technique and I am amazed with finished design.
Enjoy it.

cakes and sweets by Šárka Finsterlová


Very nice and original design!

Looks fabulous x

Essentially Cakes - Christine Jones

Amazing!Uzasne ako vzdy💗


It looks great!!! I love it😊

Magda Pietkiewicz

Many thanks. 😊

cakes and sweets by Šárka Finsterlová

Intriguing design..

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎