I had the great honor to participate with amazing talented sugar artists in the YEAR OF DOG CHALLENGE, hosted by Maria Mercedes Gonzalez Lagarma.
I made this dog base on my best friend’s cocker spaniel dog name Tobby… he is so nice to every body and really friendly.. so happy to make him as my sculpture…😍😍❤️❤️
And this is the link for my pieces
Thank you
Dixie Delight
So cute!
Pepper Posh
torte decorate di stefy
So cute!!! <3
Emily Cakes
So cute!!
Tasnuta Cake Artistry
So cute!
Elisabete Caseiro, Portugal, https://www.facebook.com/BetySugarland
Fantastic work my dear!!!
Raquel García Martínez
Very cute!
Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca